My 200th Article — Hello, It’s Time We Met

Everything I’m happy to admit publicly. For everything else, you’ll have to get me dinner and pints.

Attila Vágó
7 min readJun 9, 2022


Photo of author by author

After eight long years of Medium and 200 articles, I felt it was time we had a chat, where I talk, and you listen. 😆 Not because I’m an asshole, because I’m not, but because that’s how writing and reading works. It’s single-threaded and synchronous. I write, you read, you then reply in a comment, and I will likely reply. See? I’m not an asshole. Assholes don’t reply. I do. 😃 This is my virtual handshake, my virtual hug, nose-rub, fist-bump, chest-bump, kiss on the cheek, once, twice, three times, whichever feels more culturally appropriate to you. If you’re a Swede, we can also silently acknowledge each other from 5 meters away. Anything works. 🤷‍♂️

This. This is the one story I’m writing for you, my reader. So, this is special because I don’t do this. We’ve established that before. But this, this is my gratitude story to you, my reader, whoever you are, wherever you’re from. If you’re new, welcome, if you’re an occasional or a regular, nice to have you facing my thoughts on a digital canvas again; and finally, if you were on your way out and ready to unfollow, don’t you fecking dare! 😆 Sure, I’m only joking, you can leave, but you’ll come back because you’ll miss me. Where…



Attila Vágó

Staff software engineer, tech writer, author and opinionated human. LEGO and Apple fan. Accessibility advocate. Life enthusiast. Living in Dublin, Ireland. ☘️