Attila Vágó

Attila Vágó

Attila's Top Tech Picks

108 stories

ID Quantique SA Quantis-PCIe-40M
The image shows a view through a hollowed-out tree trunk, focusing on a cross-section of another tree trunk placed on a stand in the background. The scene is set in a corridor with stone walls and a tiled floor, featuring a row of columns and a slanted wooden roof. The perspective creates a tunnel-like effect, drawing attention to the intricate patterns and textures of the tree trunks.
Attila Vágó

Attila Vágó

Attila's Boosted Stories

78 stories

Attila Vágó

Attila Vágó

Best LEGO Stories On Medium

162 stories

Attila Vágó

Attila Vágó

LEGO 2024 Reviews

18 stories

Attila Vágó

Attila Vágó

All Things Apple

120 stories

Photo collage of Apple products.
Attila Vágó

Attila Vágó

Technology & Tech News

158 stories

Photo collage of Apple products.
Attila Vágó

Attila Vágó

Rare Gems

18 stories

Playground sandbox with toys everywhere
Attila Vágó

Attila Vágó

Advice You Haven't Asked For, But Desperately Need

8 stories

A typewriter LEGO figurine
decorative header. on the left a hand peruses books on a shelf. on the right, words read writing on medium, an intro to academic writing on medium
Attila Vágó

Attila Vágó


46 stories

Attila Vágó

Attila Vágó

Attila's FREE Stories

106 stories

Attila Vágó

Attila Vágó

Coding & Software Development

117 stories

Attila Vágó

Attila Vágó

Writing & Writing Tips

60 stories

A typewriter LEGO figurine
Attila Vágó

Attila Vágó

Cleft Lip and Palate

4 stories

Pharrell Williams as a LEGO minifig.
Attila Vágó

Attila Vágó

The Educated AI Skeptic's List

12 stories

The author acting all angry and pointing to the reader.
Attila Vágó

Attila Vágó

The Random Stuff

42 stories

Attila Vágó

Attila Vágó

LEGO 2023 Reviews

47 stories

Attila Vágó

Attila Vágó

LEGO Botanical Collection Reviews

10 stories

Attila Vágó

Attila Vágó

LEGO ART Set Reviews

7 stories

Attila Vágó

Attila Vágó


Book Author

Friend of Medium

Staff software engineer, tech writer, author and opinionated human. LEGO and Apple fan. Accessibility advocate. Life enthusiast. Living in Dublin, Ireland. ☘️