It’s Cold, Ma, It’s Really Cold — Everything I Learned From Publishing My Novel

I know so much more than I did five years ago. This is the story you’ll want to bookmark if you’re looking to write or self-publish…

Attila Vágó
25 min readFeb 7, 2024


The novel’s front and back. Photo by author.

The 20th of January 2024 will be marked forever in my calendar as the day I have officially become a published author. It all started in 2019 in an Italian restaurant. Smack in the middle of Dublin, sipping wine we knew nothing about. The food was long gone, but that’s when the really good conversations usually start. The ones about life. Hopes, dreams, disappointments, and wins. The stuff that makes life worth living. The things that keep us curious about the next chapter. It was a date unlike any other. I said I wanted to write a book when I was 50. She asked me, why wait that long?

I love people who ask good questions. Questions that inspire others not just to think differently, but to act differently, to change or to make change happen. Later that night, on my way home, I knew I was going to write the book. I knew I was done waiting for the right moment, that arbitrary age of 50 to write about what it feels like to be a cleftie and do so in my own unique way. I even got the solitude I needed in the form of the 2020 pandemic lockdowns.



Attila Vágó

Staff software engineer, tech writer, author and opinionated human. LEGO and Apple fan. Accessibility advocate. Life enthusiast. Living in Dublin, Ireland. ☘️