I used to be of the opinion that emojis were dumb, that they were enabling the reversal of human civilisation. Then I thought some more. Even with the best of intentions the written word is two-dimensional at best. You can write someone an email and be completely misunderstood. You can write a text and be interpreted very differently on the other end than you hoped. Written text more often than not, doesn't tell the whole story. I think humans have evolved to the point where text alone isn't enough to express ourselves accurately. There is an expectation for more. It feel a gap, it adds the extra dimension where voice and video isn't a viable medium.
So, my top 3 emojis are: 🤗 (shows care), 😈 (i'm mischievous and I own it), ❤️ (because I love a lot of things, and I want people to know that I beyond like it).