I Now Have Over 1000 Medium Followers!

Attila Vágó
4 min readFeb 25, 2021
Two pairs of hiking shoes alternating between each other on green grass.

It was like every other late winter Dublin morning. The windows dripping condensation like a wet poodle after an unforgettable slow-motion session with the garden-hose. The neighbour banging his car’s door which I can only assume is a creative attempt to wake himself up as he speeds off to drive his taxi for the next eight hours and my alarm clock scaring the bejeezus out of me, kicking off the morning routine much better than my Nespresso machine ever will. It’s groundhog day. Heck. It’s groundhog year at this point. Everything is so much the same that I am working on a YouTube channel to break up the mundane, accepting to be featured on a podcast just to see if there’s anything left in this rinse-and-repeat lockdown life to give me an anxiety attack, and I started eating oranges again.

In that context, opening my Medium app, and seeing that I now had over 1000 followers, compared to the 997 I had the day before, felt like an old ex that dumped you, texting and telling you years later they were horribly wrong. Unexpected, though I knew it could happen, but feels good regardless. Especially because believe it or not, I didn’t even try. My blog was always the one thing I treated with religious Beatles attitude and just “let it be”. I never did it for the followers. I only know maybe 20 or so of you. I never asked anyone to follow me, and I never cared if you did, but you did. I…



Attila Vágó

Staff software engineer, tech writer, author and opinionated human. LEGO and Apple fan. Accessibility advocate. Life enthusiast. Living in Dublin, Ireland. ☘️