I have to disagree. Fair use is first of all very poorly defined which makes it risky to start with. Secondly, take for instance a couple lines of lyrics from a song. If you want to reference it in a book or article, you need to ask for permission. Failing to do so will land you in court. Look at YouTube. People stopped playing other artists’ songs even trying to review a record because they’d get a copyright strike or get demonetized. It happened to me too btw. In photography we have CC and its versions, but even some of those versions specifically prohibit for instance altering the image, not to mention most require referencing the original author. Copyright is so complex for a reason. Fair use only makes it more complicated rather than giving a free path for people to use content to create their own. Being inspired by some content does not allow for actually using it.
P.S. Fair use doesn’t apply to all countries and in the ones it does, it applies differently. The one I assume you’re referencing is the US one.
P.S.2 The EU copyright directive of 2019 excludes text and data mining for from its version of fair use (which the EU is much more rigid on) requiring entities to seek copyright agreements with the copyright holders. This was quite controversial but it has become law nevertheless.