I Got Featured on a Podcast, and I Loved It!

Attila Vágó
2 min readMar 6, 2021

Reading the title, the first thing that comes to mind is Katy Perry’s song “I kissed a girl, and I liked it” — I know 😆, but in a weird way, for me, being featured on a podcast for the first time ever, totally unscripted, was a little bit like that — delving into the unknown. Podcasts are an alien medium for me. I know of them, but I never really became a fan. It’s weird, but I suppose to some extent, so am I, so no surprises there.

It should also come as no surprise to those who know me, that I was invited to talk about digital responsibility which just so happens to include web accessibility — my and Andrew Gribben’s favourite topic. Coinkidink? Of course not! So, if you’re into that, or would like to get some insight into the matter, you might find yourself learning a few things, and when was that ever a bad thing? 😉

But of course, digital responsibility goes beyond accessibility and it’s merely an extension to day-to-day regular responsibility. The way I see it, it has three main pillars: common sense, good manners and education, and in no particular order. About all that, Transylvania, mindfulness, the good aul’ days of the internet, and much more, you can hear about between the many “umm”s and “you know”s I managed to break up my thoughts with.

You can check out the podcast on the Ordinary People site itself or directly on all the major popular podcast apps like AnchorFM, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or right here!

Attila VagoSr. Software Engineer building amazing ed-tech software. Cool nerd since forever, writer of codes and blogs. Web accessibility advocate, Lego fan, vinyl record collector. Loves craft beer!



Attila Vágó

Staff software engineer, tech writer, author and opinionated human. LEGO and Apple fan. Accessibility advocate. Life enthusiast. Living in Dublin, Ireland. ☘️