I gave 21 claps initially because I tend to just release the mouse button at random times, but I went back and topped up to 50 after. This is a really-really cool, and intriguing article. Being an INTJ I was curious what conclusions you come up with, but you seem to be pretty spot on. I use past events to predict the best possible outcome and focus on that. Of course it does not mean I only do this for one thing. I do experiments with various things in life in parallel (even being on Medium is one), but I will never leap into the future with at least some educated guess about the possibility of a positive outcome.
The problem is, I do this to my friends too, and it pisses them off when I highlight how whatever they see in the future simply cannot happen, when I end up being right, they're pissed off again, and I get pissed off that they never bloody listen but I have to listen to them explaining and crying about how it all went to shite. 😄
What you described here is actually my biggest struggle/flaw. Being conscious about this huge difference in how these groups "compute" the future.