How To Find Out How Many Users Unfollowed You On Medium?
It’s not obvious, but the trick is simple and fairly non-technical.
As I was searching for stats to illustrate some points around my recent 2000 follower celebration and reflections, I realised there was a way to find out quite a bit more around follower stats, especially the number of users who unfollow an account. This is just a short how-to article to explain the steps, as it’s not obvious at all, and I know people will ask in my other story, so consider this a complementary article to that main story.
Go to stats
It all starts on your stats page. I won’t make the mistake of assuming you know where that is, so once you’re logged in, just go to the bottom left of the home-page and click on your profile picture. You’ll find “stats” just above settings.
Click audience stats
In the top-right corner of the page, note the “audience stats” button. Don’t just stare at it. Click it! Alternatively, go to: — replace @yourUserName with your actual Medium username!
Download .csv
To the far right of the “monthly growth” heading, you’ll see a “Download CSV” link. You are welcome to click it and allow the file to download. Don’t open it yet. These .csv files are not fun looking at on their own, they look like a long dump of text, and that’s because they are — comma separated values!
Import the .csv into a spreadsheet
Now go to your Google Drive and upload that .csv file. Alternatively, use any spreadsheet application you might have, like Excel. Most of them can interpret these files.
Et, voilà !
And there you go! You have yourself a spreadsheet of fascinating data that you can do whatever you please with — create graphs, velocity charts, growth factors, anything you like! Neat!
Did you know that whenever you subscribe to become a Medium Member, us writers, get a cut? You get a ton of great articles, we get a coffee. Sounds like a fair deal to me…
Attila Vago — Software engineer, editor, writer, and occasional music critic. Pragmatic doer, Lego fan, Mac user, cool nerd. JS and Flutter enthusiast. Accessibility advocate.