Glad you enjoyed the read. Wasn't entirely sure if I managed to convey my thoughts well enough in this one.
When it comes to Elon's Mars ambitions, I can only laugh my ass off. While his efforts will undoubtedly create some pretty advanced tech that the world will make good use of, it's a prime example of Musk being naive as hell and only thinking like an engineer and nothing more. The major problem with Mars won't be around tech, or even the fact that it's a million times more dead planet than Earth can be expected to be anytime soon, it's something entirely different -- it's psychology. He is more than welcome to colonise Mars and watch how everyone will go crazy, depressed, paranoid, aggressive, and within just a couple of years develop mental illnesses at scale never seen before -- himself included. Elon possesses the same flaw many software engineers do too: they only see the engineering problem. To them everything else is irrelevant or semantics. He doesn't seem to realise that civilisation has been built around human needs, not engineering needs and proofs of concepts.