Curiosity is a healthy trait. 🙂 Here's a list:
- the benefit of medium-length articles. Has been debunked many times.
- fluff is bad. Not when it's done well and contributes to one's unique style
- write at least once a day. Debunked many times. Plenty writers stay well below 20 articles a month and still make $500 - $2000 / month.
- write what people want to read. Don't. Write what you're passionate about and put your personal style into it. The rest will follow organically.
- write about relationships, sex, money. LOL, how about all the other gazillion topics that people read about all the time like productivity, technology, environment, coffee, software, science, mindfulness, etc?
Finally, generally, giving advice with very little experience on a platform is just irresponsible and will lead people down the wrong path.